Rosary LIVE Retreat

The Spirituallity of Confidence

Monday, June 17th
5:30 PM Pacific Time
Online ZOOM Meeting


"We can never have too much confidence in the good God… As we hope in Him so shall we receive. I am certain that even if I had on my conscience every imaginable crime, I should lose nothing of my confidence; rather I would hurry, with a heart broken with sorrow, to throw myself into the Arms of my Jesus." ~ St. Therese The Little Flower

If you have ever struggled with a negative self image, or low self esteem, thoughts of suicide, carrying the weight of your own misery, feel like giving up, discouragement, depression and all things negative, then this retreat is for you.

The inner peace and healing Jesus wants for you is within your grasp, via the way of Spiritual Confidence. Come and See in this Online Retreat. Dive In and open the door of your heart to a deeper intimacy with God, in a super abundance of Inner Peace though these storms.

The Retreat Structure

Our Online Zoom retreat will be roughly 2 hours long. It begins with Jesse's talk, followed by a LIVE ROSARY with the Rosary Family and as usual we will be having our "Holy Companions" program, 10 of you will be leading Rosary LIVE that night and we will have the famous "Catholic Chat" afterwards. It is always a wonderful time. Come and renew your faith with your family. You are loved here!

Myself Only
Myself & Sponsor Someone
Would you please consider an optional ADDITIONAL GIFT to be put towards the sponsorships or the Rosary LIVE Ministry? Some in the Rosary family are counting on your genersoity to help them attend. Will you Pay It Forward? 🌟The Blessed Mother abundantly rewards those who give freely. Thank you!
One Time
We understand some may not have the means to attend. We, The Rosary Family, got you covered. Feel free to apply for a sponsorship. We have never refused anyone. No questions asked. Use the button above to apply.

If you have any questions you may email Ed Vizenor at