Talk on the Eucharist by Ed Vizenor

Hello Dear Mama Mary club member!
Can you BELIEVE IT? I recorded this talk NINETEEN YEARS AGO! I actually first distributed it on a cassette tape. In the talk I even refer to the feature of REWINDING the tape if you need to. haha. Oh goodness. Yet, even though the technology has changed the TRUTH of the Eucharist has not, nor will it ever.
WARNING: This talk was recorded for Young People… SOOOO it has tons of sound effects and bells and whistles, to make it a little fun and unique. 🙂
However, even if you don’t care for all of that, and can get past it ( Although you might enjoy it) I think you will find something said in this talk that will INSPIRE YOU. I am quite certain of it actually. Not because of me… but because of the Truths of the Eucharist which will be presented to your mind and heart while listening to this UNIQUE and fun presentation.
Enjoy my friend!