UPDATE: (9/6/18) Facebook has not only removed this homily but today I got blocked from posting on Facebook for 24 hours. When Facebook takes down posts like this, it is nothing other than Religious Discrimination. There is zero hate speech in this homily. Listen to the whole thing and see for yourself.  I have refuted this removal and ban with Facebook and asked them "What about this post was hate speech?" I got an auto-reply and it said a team will look into this and review it.

We must not be silent on Facebook and other online censorship. If we are then the enemies of truth will only continue to suppress us even more. Our freedom will be more and more be taken away and then someday we will wish we had the freedom to speak without fear of major consequences.  Perhaps next we as individuals may be fined for publicly speaking about our religious views that goes against modern standards, maybe even jail or worse. Thankfully, we are not there yet, but it may come soon, if we don't speak out.  We must be courageous for Christ in these dark times. Jesus... in your name, protect us as we speak your truth in an evil world.

Want to put the video on your wall?

P.S. Use the hashtag #FacebookDiscrimination so we as a community can track the results.

How will Facebook Respond?

Facebook may take your post down too, but when they do request a manual review and ask them what about this was hate speech? We are in the process of contacting Facebook to refute them removing our post, and to ask for more details about why it was removed, and to ask them to restore it immediately.  If you want to see Facebook's response, please sign up for our PrayTheRosary.com email list on this page and we will let you know ASAP when we here from them.