The meaning of the Miraculous Medal

Watch this SHORT 3 MINUTE VIDEO, a Miraculous Story. You will be blown away.  Always wear this amazing medal.  Mary promised GREAT GRACES for those who wear it. Mary does not fail to keep her promises. Put it back on again... or start wearing it ASAP.

The meaning of the Miraculous Medal...

'Front Side:

• Mary stands on a globe, crushing a serpent beneath her feet. Describing the original vision, St. Catherine said the Blessed Mother appeared radiant as a sunrise, "in all her perfect beauty."
• Rays shoot out from Mary's hands, which she told Catherine, "... symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them."
• Words from the vision form an oval frame around Mary: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Seen as a matrix, the elements of the front design encapsulate major Marian tenets:

Quality of Our Lady As Illustrated by the Medal:

• Mother — Her open arms, the "recourse" we have in her.
• Immaculate — The words, "conceived without sin."
• Assumed into Heaven — She stands on the globe.
• Mediatrix — Rays from her hands symbolizing "graces."
• Our Protection — Crushes the serpent (Gn 3:15).

The Reverse Side:

• A cross-and-bar surmounts a large, bold "M."
• 12 stars disperse around the perimeter.
• Two hearts are depicted underneath the "M," the left lapped with a crown of thorns, the right skewed by a sword. From each, a flame emanates from the top. Again, employing a grid analysis, we can see how the reverse-side design contains great symbolism reflecting major tenets of the Catholic faith.

Design Element and its Catholic Meaning:

• The large letter "M" — Mary as Mother, Mediatrix.
• Cross and bar — Jesus' Cross of Redemption.
• 12 stars — 12 Apostles, who formed the first Church.
• Left Heart — The Sacred Heart, who died for our sins.
• Right Heart — The Immaculate Heart, who intercedes for us.
• Flames — The burning love Jesus and Mary have for us.'

Roses For Mary