The 7 Petitions Of Mary

The 7 Petitions of Mary

Mary's Sweet Heart

What if we could know what the heart of Mary prayed for before Jesus was born? What if we could know about the most intimate and hidden parts of her life? The amazing news is we can! Thanks to the private revelations given to the Saints and the Mystics we can not only know these 7 petitions but we can know so much more about the Blessed life of Mary, her parents, St. Joseph and of course her most beloved Son Jesus Christ. (See Book Below)

These 7 petitions listed below are what Our Lady fervently prayed for. Frequently she would even rise in the middle of the night begging God to grant these 7 petitions.  Here are Mary's words:

  1.  I prayed for the grace to fulfill the precept of charity: to love God with all my heart.
  2.  I prayed for the grace to love my neighbor according to His Will and pleasure, and that He should make me love all that He Himself loves.
  3.   I prayed that He make me hate and flee all that He hates.
  4.  I prayed for humility, patience, kindness, gentleness, and all virtues by which I might become pleasing in His sight.
  5.  I prayed that He should let me see the time when that most Holy Virgin would be born who was to give birth to the Son of God, and that He preserve my eyes that I might see her, my ears that I might hear her, my tongue that I might praise her, my hands that I might work for her, my feet that I might walk as her servant, and my knees that I might adore the Son of God in her lap.
  6.  I prayed for the grace of obeying the orders and rules of the High Priest of the Temple.
  7.  I prayed that God should preserve the Temple and all His people for His service.

Make These Petitions Yours?

Will you too make these 7 petitions a part of your prayer? Of course we need to alter them a bit to fit our life in this time we live. For example in #5 perhaps we can pray that we may see Mary, beg for the grace that our eyes will one day see her, that we will some day hear her sweet voice and that we can one day adore the Son of God in her lap etc.  Perhaps for petitions #6 & #7 we can replace the High Priest and Temple with the Holy Catholic Church, that we may obey all it teaches and pray for His people in His One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.

Want to know more about Our Lady's hidden life?

You will be overwhelmed with Joy as you learn more about the beauty of the Life of Mary and all that God has revealed to us though the mystics. If you are interested in learning more about 'The Life of Mary As Seen By The Mystics' then you can order a copy of the book below.  Remember you can pick it up in many different places, however if you were inspired from this article to get a copy, then please consider ordering it through us as a little thanksgiving for the work we put in to getting this in front of you. Ordering through us does help support our Rosary Ministry and helps us keep creating more inspirational content.  Thank You.

You can order your own copy of this beautiful book here: Order 'The Life of Mary As Seen By The Mystics'

Roses For Mary